Hi Readers! I’m Sam Osterhaus, a registered dietitian, currently working as a Wellness Coordinator for Eurest – a Compass Group sector. I love food, and not only that, I love ALL kinds of food and believe they can ALL fit into a healthy lifestyle. I love pizza and cookies just as much as salmon and salads and there is NOTHING wrong with that.

As a dietitian, I NEVER thought I would work in foodservice, but while getting my Master’s degree in Public Health Nutrition, I was exposed to Eurest during an internship rotation. In my rotation, I did it all – kitchen support, office support, menuing, lunch & learn presentations, and wellness events in the cafes. I learned a ton and when I finished my degree, I decided to go back to Eurest permanently. Why? The people! I was looking for a family feeling. Also, as I got to know Eurest and the company behind it (Compass!), I realized the vast career opportunities.

If you want to learn more about my life as a dietitian, you can follow along @sam_the_dietitian on Instagram. I mainly started this account to take pictures of all of the food I was making or having other people make for me, especially since many of the chefs I work with are extremely creative and do some crazy things. I’ve found this is also a fun place to share wellness tips, recipes I try or invent on the spot, or ways to make cooking less intimidating.

Speaking of cooking, here are two EASY recipes to try. Let me know how it goes!

“Clean Out the Fridge” Veggie Frittata:

This combo is perfect for breakfast or lunch. I sautéed 1/2 cup of broccoli florets, 1 cup dino kale, white onion, garlic, cumin, and red pepper flakes. Let that cook for a few minutes, then whisked 3 eggs and added them to the pan along with laying some sliced tomatoes on top. Popped in the oven to broil on high until the top was fluffy and turning golden brown. A great way to pack in your veggies! Feel free to get creative and use any of the vegetables you may already have on hand before they go bad – this recipe is a great way to reduce food waste.

15 Minute Stir Fry:

This 15 Minute Stir Fry is my version of fast food. I was in the mood for something quick and easy, and this did the trick. Chicken and veggies sautéed in sesame oil, hoisin, rice vinegar, low sodium soy sauce, lemon juice, and ginger and garlic powders. Then piled it all atop Trader Joes 10 Minute Barley, which may not be my grain of choice for a stir fry (brown rice or quinoa would go a little bit better), but what can you do when you have nothing else? It is, however, super convenient and a huge game changer when in a rush. I’m such a fan of the precooked whole grains such as barley, farro, and brown rice that many grocery stores are starting to carry.

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